2016年3月20日 星期日

Nov 2015... DIY trip to Prague and Budapest ....

DIY trip to Prague and Budapest commenced on18-Nov-2015, itinerary was Hong Kong to Zurich then Prague. Due to mechanical issue, flight take off in Hong Kong was delay, onward flight from Zurich to Prague was rearranged subsequently upon arrived Zurich airport. 

Fortunately, before take off from Hong Kong and after arrived Zurich, I was able to email inform the pre arranged pick up service about the delay and revision, pick up service was rearranged. 

Because of the delay, the few hours in Zurich airport before the onward flight became an unplanned  photo session.

2 則留言:

  1. 旅程就是很奇特的東西,意想不到與預料其中就構成旅程精彩的印象。

  2. 原來蘇黎世機場 免費 wifi 只可用一小時...之後要等八小時才可以重用...幸好一到步就發電郵更改接機安排...
